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Collection: Greetings Cards

76 products
  • #RelationshipGoals card
    A buff coloured card featuring a mediaeval woodcut artwork depicting two witches, one of which is holding a pet demon. Beneath it the caption reads #RelationshipGoals. Pictured with a brown envelope, black feather and black pattered background.
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  • Boss card
    Photo of a greetings card depicting a woman in Edwardian dress with her arm raised and her mouth open as if exhorting her troops. Above is a banner reading
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  • BFF card
    Photo of a greetings card depicting two suffragettes arm in arm from behind, one with a
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  • Beauty Queen card
    Photo of a large square yellow greetings card featuring a comic book style illustration of Queen Elizabeth I taking a selfie, with 'Beauty Queen' written in a flash above her. Dotted around the card & white envelope are pearls like the ones she wears, and sweets in yellows and whites to match the card colour.
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  • She Who Dares Wins card
    Photo of a pale green greeting card showing a suffragette chained to a spiked iron fence. The caption reads “She who dares, wins”. Next to the card is a green fountain pen and a sprig of lavender.
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  • Haters Gonna Hate card
    Photo of a black coloured card featuring a mediaeval woodcut artwork depicting witches approaching a demonic figure with a goat’s head and wings who sits on a throne and beckons to them. Beneath it the caption reads 'Haters gonna hate!'. Pictured with a brown envelope and black letter opener with a curved, spiral end.
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  • Hexy Lady card
    Photo of a card featuring a black-and-white mediaeval woodcut artwork on a black background, depicting a woman in a dress and shawl contemplating a plant while holding a folded fan. A flower grows at her feet. Beneath it the caption reads 'Hexy Lady' in a white Gothic typeface. Next to the card is a brown envelope, black fountain pen, and curved piece of wood.
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  • Swipe Right: Frida card
    Photo of the card standing in front of a pink envelope. The illustration shows Frida Kahlo on a white background, her hand raised holding a cigarette and her black hair dyed in the colours of the rainbow. The card is titled “Frida Kahlo” and shows numerous details and statuses in line with a modern dating profile. Next to the card is a felt tip pen and some purple flowers.
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  • Hammer Time card
    Photo of a greeting card depicting a white female suffragette with brown hair and a “Votes for Women” rosette holding a hammer next to a window while she looks at an unaware policeman and smirks. The caption reads “Hammer Time.” Next to the card is a white envelope, replica toffee hammer, and a sprig of lavender.
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  • Gentleman Jack I Know How To Please Girls card
    Photo of a blue greeting card with an illustration of Anne Lister, a white woman wearing a top hat and black jacket and looking at the viewer with a smile, alongside Ann Walker, a white woman with blonde hair and a pink dress, who is resting her hand on Anne Lister’s chest and looking to her. The caption reads “I know how to please girls.” The card is on a brown desk and white envelope, surrounded by an iron key, a silver pocket watch, and a yellow pencil.
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  • Gentleman Jack I Like Big Hats card
    Photo of a blue greeting card with an illustration of Anne Lister, a white woman wearing a black jacket and top hat which she tips to the viewer with a smile. The caption reads “I like Big Hats and I cannot lie.” The card is on a brown desk and white envelope, surrounded by an iron key, a silver pocket watch, and a yellow pencil.
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  • Jolly Christmas card
    Photo of a card which shows an elderly lady dressed as Father Christmas, walking through the snow at night. She uses a cane and carries a sack of presents on her shoulder, which is labelled “Votes For Women”. Presents lie along her footprints. Next to the card is a felt tip pen and some ivy.
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  • Witches' Coven card pack of 6
    Photo of a the “Witches’ Coven” card pack wrapped in black ribbon, showing the “Best Fiends Forever” card on top. Along with the brown envelope, also pictured are a black quill and a letter opening with a curled end.
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  • Raise Your Game card
    Photo of a pale card which shows a woman facing us who wears armour, white gloves, and a white smock and hat with pointed top. She holds a sword in her right and a flowing green flag in her left which reads “W.S.P.U”. Above and below the woman on a banner are the words “If at first you don’t succeed… Raise your game.” The card is on top of a green envelope on a table, next to some autumn leaves of various colours.
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  • Hexy Beast card
    Photo of a card featuring a black-and-white mediaeval woodcut artwork on a black background, depicting three creatures with human bodies but the heads of a donkey, bird, and a dog all clinging to a flying broomstick as winds blow in the background against the trees. Beneath it the caption reads 'Hexy Beast' in a white Gothic typeface. Next to the card is a brown envelope, black fountain pen, and curved piece of wood.
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  • Swipe Right: Sappho card
    Photo of the card standing in front of a pink envelope. The illustration shows Sappho on a white background. She holds a stylus to her mouth while thinking and holding a wax tablet. A band in her hair is the colours of the rainbow. The card is titled “Sappho” and shows numerous details and statuses in line with a modern dating profile. Next to the card is a felt tip pen and some purple flowers.
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  • Shero card
    Photo of a green card with a suffragette with hands on her hips wearing a purple cloak and a sash that says “Votes For Women”. The card is next to a sprig of lavender and a toffee hammer.
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  • Queen of Hearts card
    Photo of a light blue card featuring Queen Victoria, seated, wearing a black dress, white headdress, and coronet, along with a sash that reads “Queenz On Tour”. She is receiving a tattoo on her left arm of a red heart with “Albert” across it in a banner. The tattooist has a red Mohican, earrings, and a “YAASSS QUEEN” tattoo. The main caption reads “Queen Of Hearts” in yellow text in a dark red exploding bubble. Next to the card can be found some sweets and biscuits.
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  • You're A Winner card
    Photo of the card, mostly purple, showing a suffragette in a long dress and hat as she smiles and reads a newspaper called “Oracle News” with the front-page text “-1918- Women Win Right To Vote”. She stands next to a news board that says the same. The banner caption says “You’re A Winner!”. The card rests on a white envelope next to a silver pen, cup of black tea on a saucer, and a dish of Guylian seashell chocolates.
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  • Rebel card
    Photo of a mustard-coloured card laid on a white envelope on a table. The card shows a suffragette in a blue blazer and darker blue skit. She wears a sash that says “Votes For Women” and holds a toffee hammer in her hand. The banner at the top reads “Rebel”. Next to the card is a pencil, a mug of black tea, and a plate with biscuits on.
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